Friday, April 2, 2010

My New Bob

Are you ready? It's a big chop off my old boring hair and I am so glad I finally did it! Yay!

Sorry this is a closeup- using my new speed dial lippie - such a wearable everyday lipstick:)
ok unto the hair....

I love it! But I always like it after a session at the salon. It's what happens after the first wash- my hair doesn't behave! I need to colour my hair again- the roots are quite bad...

Anyway if you are in Perth and want to know the place I got my cut- Head Studio on King Street in the city. It's the same place I had my hair done last year before my wedding. It's also the same girl (name is Jesse- she is bubbly and very friendly plus very good at cutting hair). She felt so bad lopping it all off and she squeaked when they swept my pony tail away ahahaha...I don't really miss it at all. It feels so much lighter and cuts down my "getting ready" time before I go out.  

Going to watch "Clash of the Titans" first day off in ages!

Happy Easter everyone!


s said...

Love it!! It looks like Kate's hair in the pics you posted earlier, which was my fav one! I'm glad you like it too~ the scariest part of getting a haircut is how you'll like it in the end.

MEii said...

it looks great on you!
i really like the second&third pic!

Anonymous said...

I love it! You look great!

lisasuar said...

it looks wonderful!!! you look as pretty as ever!! :)

rene said...

I know excatly how you feel! My head is so much lighter after I chop my long locks away! But sometimes after flipping japanese magazine I will miss my long locks. Haha!
I watched Clash of the Titans yesterday night! I think it is a good movie!

Kelly said...

WOW it looks amazing - so glossy and shiny too :). Defo makes me want to go and get mine done now.

Htmhtm said...

So bold and dramatic. i love it & u look gorgeous as always!! <3

Kasia said...

You look so pretty! The bob really fits you! said...

Wow, you look gorgeous. The new do really suits you. It frames your face really well.
I usually get the big chop off every two years. And as soon as I wash my hair the first time afterwards or I see a girl with long hair i regret it. The two years were over in January and I still didn't get my hair cut, yay! But seeing these pics doesn't make it easier to NOT go to the hair salon. My hair grows very fast though. I had it cut short (like your new cut) and now they are almost midback length :)

MilknCookiie said...

It looks great on you! I wish I had the courage to cut it short, but I'd be a crying nightmare if I'd do it now, haha. How is the movie Clash of the Titans?

★ Cookiie

Kim said...


hanidee said...

Beautiful! The bob looks amazing on you<3

Funkiimonkee said...

Thanks for the comments everyone! Clash of the Titans was ok- although sam worthington was more than ok! ahhaha

Jamilla Camel said...

I love your new bob! It frames your face perfectly!